Sunday, February 5, 2023

Progress on Dahveed 6

Dahveed 6 is progressing much slower than I planned.  As of now, I am about half done with composing the manuscript, and so I am uncertain whether I can meet my hopeful deadline of late fall 2023 for publication.  

After research extended beyond what I expected, I had the surprise revelation that dealing with digital note cards is much different than dealing with physical note cards, especially when it comes to sorting them!  I had to program the macros to sort the cards, then actually sort the cards and decide which ones would make it into the book and which ones wouldn't . . .  

That being the case, I want to assure everyone waiting for the finished product that I am working on it to the exclusion of nearly everything else.  Please continue your prayers for me.  I want this book to be the best of the series, and am doing all I can to make it so.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I must say that I love that you put my band in your story and I hope that Daveed is living a good life but i do have one queshion

    How is the house of tahat im sure it's fine and my brothe is still runing it right

  3. I am patiently waiting. God bless you. I think I'll restart the series slowly. 🙂 by then I will b ready for #6

  4. For your next project may I suggest Scrivener if you don't already use it. It was made for writers and digital note cards and such. YouTube them :-)

  5. ahhh I cannot wait any longer! last year I went to the ABC store with my mother. as she grabs a few things she told me to get a book so I can read. so, I Seach everywhere for a book that look fun to read and low and behold there was the dahveed book. after we arrived home, she told me to sit and read my new book. after that I could stop reading! I did have to buy a kindle because I cannot afford book 3-5. but I am trying to read less of book 5 (i am on chapter 32) so i can buy book 6 right when I finish book 5.
    I hope that you and your family is doing well!

