Monday, June 20, 2022

Research is Done!

Research for Dahveed 6 is done!  I am sorting note cards, the last step before writing begins.  It took 2 months longer than I anticipated to do the research, but a lot has been published since 2010. 

And -- All My Glory is now available in print!  To order, go to my website:, click on Ordering Information in the menu on the lower right and call the Adventist Book Center number listed under that title.  This book is the author's edition of Joseph: A Story. 

I am hoping to begin writing next week, so this is the last post til fall.  God bless you all, and keep me in your prayers.  Thank you!


  1. Hi Terri,
    I'm so very happy to hear that you will be able to start writing again. You've had a lot on your plate, and I'm glad you can move forward again. I agree with one of the other posts in that I don't see how you're going to be able to put the rest of David's story into one volume. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into two!
    But I love your writing and have read your books by myself and out loud to my husband several times. The stories and your style just don't get old! We absolutely love them. We love being able to feel like we are in the moment watching these things take place in David's life. He has such a colorful history, and I love that God saw fit to include his story in the Bible. It is so inspiring.
    Joseph is also wonderfully told. A masterful work! It will be great to sit down with both David and Joseph in heaven and hear their stories from their own lips. I'm sure I will find delightful comparisons of your renditions with their stories. It will be fun!
    God bless you as you move forward with your manuscript.

  2. We are so excited to hear that you are working on Daveed 6! We love Daveed, (this is the only series that my husband will sit down and read through...)

  3. I am waaaaiiiiiting. Please don't rush David's story. I am thinking you will need 2 volumes. So Dahveed 6 and 7, lol. Your work is a blessing. I'm here at Andrews now getting my PhD. When your book comes out I may have to take a semester off bc it will b the only thing I want to read. God bless you.
