Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dahveed 5: Progress

Well, it took a lot longer to edit the manuscript than I anticipated, but the biggest part of the job is done!  Next, it must go to advance readers, the copy editors, and then get one more editing job from me.  I'm still on schedule to release the book late fall/Christmas 2013.  Thanks for all the encouragement and prayers!

Dahveed 6 is scheduled to be written this summer---which means I'm finishing up on last-minute research now, and will start writing by June.


  1. Great news! I didn't know the "Terri L. Fivash" on facebook wasn't actually you. lol It is just a fan page. But, it's good to hear the update :D Sanna

  2. I'm SO GLAD I found your blog page. I keep checking Amazon for new books, and they hadn't shown up yet. Now I can be a little more patient, knowing it's almost time. :) I only wish there was something I could do to help the process go faster...

    We all are eagerly awaiting books 5 & 6. God bless!
    The Gibbs Family

  3. So very happy to find the 5th book of Dahveed may make a good Christmas gift for my husband and me!! Love this series and just am so excited you are finishing up on this series. God be with you! Your fans, Bar. & Don

  4. Hurry, I am getting older !!! What is the latest news

  5. Please put Book 5 on Kindle......NOW
